Slalom Blogs - The App!
Slalom Consulting has some great bloggers. If you haven’t read some of the thoughts they (we) have been talking about across various subjects, you should really head over to the website…but, if you happen to own a Windows Phone 7…iPhone version coming soon…why not just go grab a fresh copy from the Windows Phone Marketplace – just search for Slalom Blogs.
An interesting aside – I had been working with the Marketplace and the fine folks over at Appmakr to get the application out the door. After a few runs through, it finally got approved, and I was actually not expecting it to. While I had alerted Slalom national that it ‘was coming soon’ I really had no idea when ‘soon’ would be as it was a spare time project. When I got the email saying that it had been approved I thought – well great, I’ll make some color adjustments tomorrow and resubmit now that the kinks were worked out. Little did I know, a few hours later, Slalom Blogs was being featured in the New section on the Homepage of Zune and the WP7 Marketplace! So much for my “soft launch.” Anyways, it marks our second app into the app store with another one on the way!