Biggest US cloud deployment - BPOS :)

Was reading this article about the largest BPOS (Live@Edu) rollout.  Then realized it was the largest Cloud Deployment in the country.  Then realized they migrated HALF A MILLION mailboxes from on prem 2003 Exchange to Exchange 2010 in the cloud IN A WEEKEND.

Security? Reliability? Scalability?   ….. Check

Biggest US cloud deployment kills Google Apps for Education | ZDNet.

If you want to talk cloud sometime, I’ve got some great stories to tell.  Why on earth would any SMB or MidMarket business invest another dime in on prem with BPOS and Azure scaling like this?

Compliance? Covered…ISO, ITAR, SAS70, FERPA, FIPS, TIC, BLURP (I made that one up), FISMA, HIPPA – check (or just about there).  See MS Press release here on the details of where they are headed…Google doing this?  Nope.  Gotta have your data in the US of A and know right where it is and who has access to it?  Got that too.

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Jamie Larson